This post is a few weeks late but our Lily is 3 months old already! The first few months she had a rough time deal with food allergies and relux too...but now that those things are finally under control she is feeling SO much better. I cannot even believe how much this sweet girl smiles and giggles. She is the happiest baby and I am so grateful that we got these things figured out so she is not in pain anymore. She is the biggest joy to all of us....and we can't get enough of kissing her chubby chubby cheeks! She is the smiliest baby!
1. Being kissed and tickled
2. being held by everyone in my family
3. sleeping in the carseat or with mama
4. nursing
5. her sisters that make noise(not too loud though)
1. Loud noises or getting surprised (this always make her stick out her bottom lip and then cry)
2. new people holding her
3. the bottle
Laughing (giggles a lot), starting to grasp for objects, interested in her toys, follows voices,went to Caryn's house for four days while mommy went to work, took a bottle FINALLY but wasn't very happy about it. She would only take it from Caryn in her carseat and wouldn't make any eye contact with her while drinking it.
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