I have had lots of people ask me about Bella and Lily's food allergies and how I found out etc...SO I decided to do an entry that may explain it best. When we first brought Bella home from the hospital she was a typical newborn until she turned about one week old and she started to cry and I mean cry ALL the time and never slept. It was rough. When she was about 2 weeks old I noticed her poop turned green and mucousy. I had already had a baby and knew that breastfed baby poop was not supposed to look or smell that way. I took her in to our first pediatricians office and they told me she was just colicky and the poop wasn't a big deal. Well I knew better...my mommy radar just knew something was wrong. I started going on all the mommy boards and doing some research online and what I found was she could have a possible dairy allergy. I took her back to the same peditrician and they said it was highly unusual and that wasn't it. I decided to take dairy out of my diet anyway and once I did I notiched a slight improvement instantly. So I decided to change to Union Ave Pediatrics in Tacoma because I had heard so many great things about them. They were amazing! Right away they helped me start an elimination diet to eliminate possible things that could be making her react. We also went to Mary Bridge GI clinic because she started to have blood in her poop as well. I started on an elimination diet of eating rice, squash, organic turkey, and potatos. I did that for a few weeks and then worked with the dieticians at Mary Bridge to slowly add things back into my diet. I cannot express enough of my gratitude towards the dieticians there. It was really hard at first but they have helped us so much and now we have so many foods that we can eat. I nursed Bella for 16 months was able to most foods back in but had to avoid dairy, soy, tree nuts, peanuts, and egg. Now she is 2.5 and still reacts to dairy, soy, eggs, and cannot have peanuts yet. Food allergies and intolerances are so difficult to explain and I have read a lot about them. Basically she has MSPI which is an intolerance to milk and soy protein. She also reacts to eggs though but hopefully she will outgrow all of these at some point.
Fastfoward to Lily....I was sure that she would not have the same journey as Bella but as it turns out we were wrong. Lily started becoming very fussy, gassy, and her poop turned green at about 1 month old. I also started seeing traces of blood. The dietician at Mary Bridge told us that because Stacy and I both have allergies our children have an 80% chance of also having them. Sorry kids. We also discovered that Lily has reflux and has been a different baby since being on medication. This is very common with babies with a dairy/soy allergy. We also wonder if Bella had reflux but we just didn't realize it at the time.
So now Lily is 3 months old and because I am nursing I am avoiding dairy, soy, corn, egg, tree nuts, shell fish, peanuts, and red meat too because she seems to react to that. I have recently added wheat back into my diet and so far it is ok. Crossing my fingers! That about sums up the really short version of a journey with food allergies so far!!