Tuesday, April 17, 2012

1 Month Already

I can't believe Lily is one month old already!  I know I say this all the time...but time really flies by.  It just seems like last night when I was pregnant and we didn't know when she would arrive.  Here she is!  We adore everything about her....
At one month:
Likes:  Baby wearing in the Ergo,being swaddled,  kisses on the cheeks and neck, white noise (dryer, shower, and noise from the bouncer), hair tickling your face, nursing,baths, snuggling in bed/ co-sleeping, and your binky most of the time.

Dislikes: Car seat, being alone, loud noises, diaper/clothes changes, being naked

Milestones:  We think maybe a smile this last week but aren't sure, you smile all the time in your sleep.  Coos and Aahs this week.

You are an easy baby so far and  have a sweet disposition.  You sleep and eat well and only cry when you are wet, hungry, or over tired.  We love having you in our family.  Your big sisters adore you and love being with you and holding you.  We can take you any where as long as you are in the Ergo with mama....you hate the car seat!!!  We love you our little "Lily Goat!"

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