Lily started smiling the day she turned five weeks old....finally caught a few on camera today!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Budding Photographer?
Maddie asked me if she could use my camera to take pictures of Bella the other day....I loved them so much! They totally show her little personalty....we love this girl!!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Bath time fun
I remember a time when this little one hated taking baths... But now she loves them! Especially when there is bubbles involved. Somedays I let her sit just a little longer in the tub because I love watching this smile....
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Pacific Science Center
Every weekend we have been making concentrated effort to get out of the house and go somewhere....besides Trader Joes, target, or Fred Meyer. So, a few weekends ago we made the trip up to Seattle to The Pacific Science Center. What a great day! We all had fun....Here are some pictures. Lily and I are absent from pictures because she was in the Ergo front pack and I was taking pics.
Bella loved the dinosaurs!
Petting a cockroach...yuck!!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
1 Month Already
I can't believe Lily is one month old already! I know I say this all the time...but time really flies by. It just seems like last night when I was pregnant and we didn't know when she would arrive. Here she is! We adore everything about her....
At one month:
Likes: Baby wearing in the Ergo,being swaddled, kisses on the cheeks and neck, white noise (dryer, shower, and noise from the bouncer), hair tickling your face, nursing,baths, snuggling in bed/ co-sleeping, and your binky most of the time.
Dislikes: Car seat, being alone, loud noises, diaper/clothes changes, being naked
Milestones: We think maybe a smile this last week but aren't sure, you smile all the time in your sleep. Coos and Aahs this week.
You are an easy baby so far and have a sweet disposition. You sleep and eat well and only cry when you are wet, hungry, or over tired. We love having you in our family. Your big sisters adore you and love being with you and holding you. We can take you any where as long as you are in the Ergo with hate the car seat!!! We love you our little "Lily Goat!"
Monday, April 9, 2012
Lily is now three weeks old and I feel like the last few days I am trying to get into some sort of routine. Who am I kidding... Not much of a routine with a preteen, toddler, and newborn! But I am trying...
I am managing to get out of the house with all the girls at 7:30 to drop Maddie off at school... In my pajamas. And back again to pick her up at 2:45.. This is a great accomplishment in my eyes. Adjusting is exactly what the past few weeks have been. We are all so full of love for this sweet girl that has joined our family! Bella has good days and other days that she misses it just being her as the baby! I cried the first few times she begged me to put baby Lily down and hold her... It was heart and gut wrenching. That has been my biggest challenge so far... Balancing giving Bella what she needs and still tending to Lily's needs as well.
I have to say after three weeks I can comfortably read to Bella one side of my lap and nurse Lily at the same time.
I am so thankful for how much Maddie has been my little helper. She is loving the new baby and also helping play with Bella, cooking, and doing lots if extra chores to help me. She has been really amazing!
Even though we have been making lots of adjustments I can't stop thinking about how lucky we are and how' much I live to love these three amazing girls. I am grateful and blissfully happy... I have the most loving husband and I can't imagine this journey with anyone but him!
I am managing to get out of the house with all the girls at 7:30 to drop Maddie off at school... In my pajamas. And back again to pick her up at 2:45.. This is a great accomplishment in my eyes. Adjusting is exactly what the past few weeks have been. We are all so full of love for this sweet girl that has joined our family! Bella has good days and other days that she misses it just being her as the baby! I cried the first few times she begged me to put baby Lily down and hold her... It was heart and gut wrenching. That has been my biggest challenge so far... Balancing giving Bella what she needs and still tending to Lily's needs as well.
I have to say after three weeks I can comfortably read to Bella one side of my lap and nurse Lily at the same time.
I am so thankful for how much Maddie has been my little helper. She is loving the new baby and also helping play with Bella, cooking, and doing lots if extra chores to help me. She has been really amazing!
Even though we have been making lots of adjustments I can't stop thinking about how lucky we are and how' much I live to love these three amazing girls. I am grateful and blissfully happy... I have the most loving husband and I can't imagine this journey with anyone but him!
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