So far this three day weekend has been GLORIOUS! I just crave this quality time with my girls and love every single minute of it...Friday was really really low key. We were all feeling exhausted and both girls have had a bit of a cold this we stuck around the house.

Bella did some painting at her easel

"So pretty mama."

She is REALLY REALLY into being my "helper" right now and apart from always wanting to be joined at my hip, she wants to do everything I am doing. Emptying the dishwasher, wiping the counters down, sweeping, and right now cooking....

Here she is
stirring up our
roasted veggies before they go into the oven...she loved putting salt and pepper on them

At the end of the day both girls wanted to cuddle "Grandmas" bed...which is our guest room.

My little pj's and loving on each other
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