I am sitting here on the couch after a very busy and wonderful Easter Sunday exhausted! Exhausted, yet so very grateful for my family and so many many things in our lives. We had a special weekend with Stacy's mom here and my mom also spent Easter with us. Just a few snapshots of our Easter Sunday....

Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happy Easter
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Easter Eggs
Had lots of fun with the girls today getting Easter Eggs dyed and ready for Easter tomorrow. Maddie decided to make tie dye eggs...although I was skeptical at first they turned out really cute!
I have been MIA for a bit...We have had one sick baby in the last few days. Well now that we are on the mend I had time for a blogpost about traditions!
I LOVE traditions...old ones and new ones. Here are some of my current favorite traditions in our family.
Friday, April 15, 2011
16 months
Yesterday you turned 16 months Bella...I cannot believe I am even typing that. Time has just flown by...in a way it seems like you were just born, but then again we cannot remember you not being a part of our family. At 16 months you are a ball of energy! We find that you get bored easily and like to be entertained. When you go out and about you want to walk by yourself and are not shy with anyone!
You love many things right now. You are talking up a storm and repeat pretty much everything we say...in fact you are ALWAYS talking. "I love you" and "Bye bye daddy" are some new things you are saying. You also love saying "No No doggie!!" You like to add an "EEE" sound to all of your favorite words such as "juiceeee" "walkie, walkie" "sissyyy" etc...etc.... You love being held all the time still...and like when we "cuddle" on the couch or in the rocking chair. You still love books and have many favorite stories.
Your favorite foods right now are blueberries, turkey, noodles, bananas, and toast. You still love your bunny and sleep with it every night. You are finally sleeping in your own bed all night long and have even surprised us and slept through the night without a peep several times. Yay!
We love you so very much and get so much joy from you! You are our special baby and mama, daddy, and sissy just love holding you and being with you all the time.
Here are some more of your favorite things at 16 months!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Due to Bella's food allergies she wasn't able to have bananas because of a reaction when she was 7 months old...however she had some the other day. FINALLY! She LOVED them... Well she was unsure at first but, you can tell how she feels about these bananas by the look on her face.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Visit to the New Library
I love libraries. Some of my best childhood memories were spent in libraries....piling up books in my arms to check out. I have always loved books and loved to read...devouring every book I can. I spend less time reading now than I would like....but I want my children to love reading and going to the library. I hope to help them create special memories of the library like I have. Sooo...we spent the morning at the new Milton Library. It was AWESOME! They have a wonderful children's section....
This was the only picture Maddie would let me take of her...she was too busy reading through all the new books and didn't want to pause for her mom to snap any more pictures.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Rainy Spring Break Date
Max....(otherwise known as "Mac" to Bella) came over for a play date the other day! It had been way too long since these two had seen each other. They had lots of fun! After they left Bella kept going to the front door and asking for "Mac" to come back over.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Table Time
Today is the first day of spring break and the weather is terrible so we are basically staying indoors. We started the morning off with some good quality table time
Sitting at the table reading her book.
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