The past four days Bella has been teething and getting her first molars. It has been painful...for her and the rest of us too! I don't remember Maddie have such trouble teething....but then again that was many moons ago so maybe I have blocked it out. Having a baby 10 years later is sometimes like starting over again.
Anyway, Miss Bella has been fussy, whiny, clingy, barely eating, not sleeping, and not easy to make happy at all. She had a slight fever the first two days, but luckily that went away. She was even clingy and fussy at her Little Gym class. I already thought we had a hard time sleeping, but the past few days have been like waking up with a newborn...every couple hours. Oh dear.... this is exhausting!
A few things I have learned over the last few days:
1. Motrin is our friend...even though I hate giving medicine unless needed...but it was very very needed. No need to suffer
2. Putting Motrin is juice and oatmilk does not go over well at our house, but a great idea I got from some ladies was to put it in applesauce. Why didn't I already think of that? Great idea! Maybe sleep deprivation makes it harder to come up with creative ideas when problem solving? Freezing the applesauce is even better. It makes her teeth feel better.
3. Bella is sure that no one makes her feel better but mommy...she ONLY wants to be held by me. This is ok but sometimes trying as much as I love holding my little boo, a mama needs a break. A hot bath, a good book, and a glass of wine does wonders for rejuvinating my patience.
4. Reading books, balls, and toys are a distraction from the pain...but only briefly! :)
5. Singing songs, nursing, and rocking in the rocking chair seem to be the best remedy so far.

Playing with her barn animals in the playroom

Reading books is a favorite

"Mama...let's roll the ball back and forth..."
Here's to hoping the next few days are easier on Bella's teeth and that we all get some more sleep! :)